Originally written by me, Nisa.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Friendzo, gwreat time!

Sebenernya ini udah lama, cuma ya ora opo-opo toh, wong aku lg suntuk mending ngepost wae.
Ini buka bersama dirumah Karin, ngumpulnya doang sih. trus abis itu kita jalan ke nasi uduk di Galaxy, dan main kembang api. cool!!!
And I spent that time with: Balqis, Nadira, Astrid, Nanda, Shena, Karin, Keke, Ridho, Wira, Engkoh, Iqbal.

I'll share some photos there

And this is the last time I played with Astrid before she moved to Hongkong.... love u Astrid!!! I've already miss u :(

Segitu dulu aja yah, bye!